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Monday, February 8, 2016

1920's- Enid High School

Enid High School in the 1920's

The High School in Enid was a large school and offered a wide variety of educational programs and activities for the Garrison teenagers. The school had a football and basketball team, literary, debate, and drama clubs, and a chorus,  orchestra and band. There were social events as well, among them a yearly May Fete (May Day) celebration.

In 1925, we find  Elgin Garrison in the orchestra and band. He looks so young!

 Enid High School orchestra and band 1925 
(link to yearbook picture of band)

Elgin Garrison Enid High School Band

 Elgin was a good student and his mother kept this award in her things!

Elgin's graduation picture

Then in 1929 we see Bob Garrison at the High School.

Robert Garrison, fourth row down on the far right

We also see Bob playing a sailor in the high school production of Gilbert and Sullivan's H.M.S .Pinafore!

That same year we see a very young Louise Buxton attending Enid High School.

And we see Louise again in the 1931 yearbook. Louise was Bob's sweetheart!

It appears that Aletheia went straight to college when they arrived in Enid- she graduated from college when she was only 18 years old. I remember her telling me that when she started teaching high school she had students who were older than she was! 

Aleitha, Mattie, and Louise Buxton Garrison

1 comment:

  1. That final photo of Alethia, Mattie, and Louise looks just like Linda - Aleitha , that is. This is fantastic stuff! Wow
